Episode 3 of The Kurncast

Okay, so short podcasts are fun and involve minimal editing. As such, we’ll give it another three episodes at minimum before I either throw in the towel or go all-in and put it up on iTunes, Stitcher, get a domain name and all that jazz. 🙂

Thanks so much to everyone for your kind comments here, on Twitter and in email!

Something I TOTALLY forgot to mention in this week’s episode is this Achievement Roulette site:


Sadly, not all of the realms are supported. That said, I do have a toon on Proudmoore, so I can kind of get it to sort of work. 🙂 Big thanks to @Poiekelsatin for asking @Molsan to give us the URL and big thanks to @Molsan for doing so!

Don’t forget to check out my other site at kurn.info and be sure to take a look at SentryTotem.com, where there are awesome experts and talented writers doing all kinds of great things and where I, coincidentally, am the Guild Leadership columnist. New columns on Tuesday and Friday!